LinkedIn serves as a place for professionals and businesses to connect, share and learn. Simply put, it’s Facebook for your career. But despite being one of the most popular social media platforms, many people, including musicians and content creators, still have no clue on how to use it and how best to benefit from it. LinkedIn is for anybody and everybody that is interested in growing their professional career, whatever field you may be in. It’s like one ongoing networking event.

LinkedIn allows you to add “connections” (friend requests) with other professionals, chat with them via messages, and showcase all your experience, achievements, and goals in one place. Basically, if you know how to use Facebook, you can excel on LinkedIn. So, here’s a question for all you musicians out there – if you’re already utilizing Facebook to grow your career and make connections, what’s stopping you from doing the same on LinkedIn? We’ve broken down LinkedIn’s main features and their uses below so that you can start or continue to navigate this social platform.

LinkedIn’s Main Features:

LinkedIn Main Uses:

LinkedIn has much more to offer than most musicians realize and can help expand your social media reach. We recommend adding it to your list of platforms and link it in your PickleJar profile to grow your music career!